One of the consequences of getting the one shift lever per side shift system what that it displaced the dropper seat post actuation lever. On option would be to use an ODI lock-on grip style lever, but I had used them in the past and didn’t really like them. I did have a lever of a suitable size, 9point8 brand I think, but its mount left it sitting in an awkward spot that didn’t interact well with the new shift levers.
The original mount is really intended for the lever to run top to bottom, and to be fair it’s fit for this purpose. It also has an option to put the lever horizontally, which works, but in this configuration it places the lever much too far back to comfortably use. The obvious solution was just to make a new mount for it. There was a 3D printed prototype.
As you can see it’s basically just a copy of the original one, but with the actual mounting interface re-positioned. I may have got away with just using the prototype as is, but it would be much better made in metal, so that’s what I did.
Here it is on the bike.
If you’re having trouble sleeping, you can watch part of the machining process.