• Album Art

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    As a teenager in the late 90s, a lot of the music that I owned was on vinyl thanks to it being much more affordable than getting it on CD. Who could have predicted how that vinyl would become fashionable again? Anyway I digress, I’d had this vinyl sitting in... [Read More]
  • Milling Machine Controller

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    The controller box my milling machine originally came with was a bit lack-lustre really. The box itself appeared to be repurposed from a previous life, and from the outside it had minimal indication of what was going on. At some point I added (I can’t remember when) hall effect limit... [Read More]
  • Milling Machine Cabinet

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    In 2005 I bought a Taig CNC milling machine for no particular reason other than I wanted a milling machine. It was about $2000 shipped from the US, which in retrospect seems very expensive considering both inflation and what’s available on the market now. Anyway, when I moved it to... [Read More]